The project > Presentation


Corpus Chartarum Fabriano (CCF) is a catalogue containing records of watermarked and non-watermarked western paper manufactured over the past eight centuries in Fabrianosince end XIII century up to the present day. The era of the watermark was an era predominantly higlighted by the laid mould and watermark in light implemented by the papermakers of Fabriano to give their products a distinct mark and which was characterised by numerous variants that have been examined and collected by the brothers Aurelio (1830-1902) and Augusto (1842-1916) Zonghi, watermark scholars of international fame and colleagues of Charles MoŃ—se Briquet (1839-1918). In XVIII century wove paper was to make its first appearance and hence the use of the same watermark was to assume a different meaning: starting with the ornamentation of the artistic watermarks in light-shade to security paper used in bank-notes.

The CCF project, proposed by Giancarlo Castagnari – Vice-President of the foundation Fondazione Fedrigoni Fabriano as well as author of numerous essays and books on the history of paper – is coordinated by Livia Faggioni (Coordinator of FFF) with the valid contribution of Giovanni Luzi, responsible for the editing of data and responsible for the tracings for the "Aurelio Zonghi" Collection, and Rita Capitani, responsible for the tracings for the "Augusto Zonghi" Collection, and Capolinea, web agency in Jesi (AN - Italy) who cured the online platform (the configurator).    

The papers making up the collection “Collezione Augusto Zonghi” are the first to have been published online in chronological order beginning from the most ancient dating back to the XIII to the most recent ones dating back to the XVIII century.

The second collection that made it possible to increase the digital catalog of the CCF was the "Aurelio Zonghi" Collection (CARZ), which will be followed by the publication of the papers of the “Luigi Tosti duca di Valminuta” collection. All subsequent updates will be carried out periodically and communicated on the home page of CCF.